"As a parent of a child with Asperger Syndrome, I needed help and support in providing resources and just a safe place to be with others experiencing the same challenges. In MAC, we found the help and friendships to help our son become a happier and more well-rounded individual. There are always activities planned and workshops on improving or introducing new skills in a fun environment with your peers."

"My Autism Connection has helped me on so many levels on things I thought weren't possible...I was a very dependent individual who looked up for other people to do things for me. Then my mother sadly passed away. My whole world shattered! What was I going to do? As soon I integrated into MAC, all those questions faded away because I knew I was in the right place at the time. I've now learned to drive a car, have a good part-time job, and I've been saving money to move out. If it weren't for MAC, I'd still be the same person I was over 4 years ago.”

"I was so happy to find out that there was an organization specifically for adults on the spectrum! I was worried about Ryan, who is now 20, being able to make friends in a new environment after our move. MAC has been the perfect opportunity for Ryan to explore his career interests, to engage in activities he wouldn't have otherwise been able to try, to learn more about our community, and most importantly, to socialize and meet new friends."

"I am a parent of a current MAC member. My son Robbie became a member in 2016. Robbie’s mother passed in March 2016 and his friend Justin introduced Robbie to MAC shortly thereafter. Robbie’s number 1 issue was socialization & after spending the vast majority of his time with his mother, at home & each day with her at her business, he now had a huge void in his life that I was desperate to fill. Thank god for MAC."

"MAC helped me gain the skills to advocate for myself and others on the spectrum. When we engage with our local community, we offer our exceptionality and expertise to create meaningful experiences."

"As parents, my husband and I have seen the change in our son. He has friends and a social life that he did not have before. My whole family has seen the change in our son and I credit his participation in MAC with that growth."

“My Autism Connection has brought a tremendous amount of joy and perspective for Downtown House Of Pizza. The staff has made connections with young adults in MAC and those relationships have continued throughout the years. I feel we have benefited as individuals and collectively having MAC visit our shop to learn about pizza and the restaurant business.”

Jason Kohn
Downtown House Of Pizza
"I am so incredibly grateful for Sandra having the vision to start the MAC Group! When I first met Sandra,
I was a fledgling parent at a loss for what to do. I refer to Sandra as being an angel to us and I am so
glad that she has found a way to duplicate herself and the entire MAC program, because it is so
valuable. From the start of finding her organization, it was like she knew exactly what our family was
going through."

Theresa Long